Privacy Policy | Family Law & Divorce Attorneys

Arizona Law Group – Privacy Policy

Updated January 1st, 2023

Arizona Law Group strongly believes in protecting the confidentiality and security of the information we collect about you as a client, potential client or as a former client. We have adopted the following policies and procedures to safeguard the personal information about you in our possession.

Our Privacy Policy

We do not sell or rent client or web site visitor information. We will not share, or sell the information with any third party or affiliate under any purpose.

Our policy is to require all employees and companies providing services on your behalf to keep our client and website visitor information confidential. Our privacy policy applies to potential clients as well as current and former clients.

Safeguarding Personal Information

We have adopted policies and procedures designed to protect your personal information from unauthorized use or disclosure.

We have implemented physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to maintain confidentiality and integrity of the personal information in our possession and to guard against unauthorized access.

These include among other things: procedures for controlling access to customer files; building security programs and information technology security measures such as the use of passwords and firewalls; in addition to the use of virus detection software.

We continue to assess new technology as it becomes available and to upgrade our physical and electronic security systems as appropriate.

Our policy is to permit employees to access your personal information only if they have a legal purpose for using such information, such as filing a motion on your behalf, or updating records with new information.

Our privacy policy– which governs the conduct of all attorneys, paralegals, and every other employee working for Arizona Law Group – requires all of our employees to safeguard the personal financial information or every borrower we serve or have serviced in the past.

Information We Collect About You

We collect information about our clients (and potential clients) to help us serve your legal needs and to provide you with quality legal services.

We consider all information about you to be personal information, whether you hire the firm or not. The personal information we collect about you may include among other things:

Identifying information– such as your name, age, address, phone number. We also need a social security number from those that hire our services.

Employment information– such as the name and address of your employer.

Financial information– such as your income (in the form of pay check stubs or w-2 statements), assets and liabilities, and information about your savings, investments, insurance and business.

Typically, through conversations and/or emails you may have with our attorneys or paralegals, and in some cases, via forms on our website.

Should you hire our firm and become a client, we may also collect information from a wide range of other sources in order to help you obtain a favorable outcome in your case.

These sources may include, among others: employers, other attorneys, banks, title insurers, insurance companies and credit reporting agencies.

Sharing Information With Companies That Provide Services For Us

We will not share, or sell the information with any third party or affiliate under any purpose.

These third parties include among others, Maricopa Superior Court, investigators, insurance companies, etc.

Our policy is to require third party service providers to enter into confidentiality agreements with us, prohibiting them from using any personal information they obtain for any other purpose other than those for which they were hired or as required by law.

We may also disclose information about you, when necessary or required, in legal and mediation proceedings and to government agencies.

Changes To Our Privacy Policy

From time to time, we may make changes to our privacy policy in the future. We will not make any change affecting you without first sending our clients and website visitors a revised privacy policy describing the change.