Phoenix Dog Bite Attorney

Phoenix Dog Bite Lawyer

Need an Experienced Dog Bite Attorney?

Phoenix Dog Bite Lawyer Near YouDogs are a beloved pet choice for many Americans. They can be trusted members of the family, guide dogs for disabled individuals, or even valuable measures of home protection.

But when unfortunate events happen, victims often require the help of a Phoenix dog bite attorney who has experience in this area of personal injury law.

The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that over 85 million dogs live in households throughout the United States.

Although every homeowner believes that they are a good dog owner and are capable of keeping their animal under control the statistics don’t lie.

There are an estimated 4.5 million dog bites reported every year in the United States. And while almost all of them are non-fatal, about 20 people a year are killed by dogs, a good deal of them do cause significant injury.

If you have been bitten by a dog even if it is a friend, neighbor, or relative’s pet and you have sustained an injury it is worth reaching out to an experienced Phoenix personal injury attorney like those at Arizona Law Group in Arizona.

We will be able to discuss your options with you and come up with the best strategy to pursue a suitable settlement to cover any medical expenses you might incur as a result of your dog bite incident.

Don’t waste time calling any other “dog bite law firm,” contact us today at 602-548-3400.

Who Is Responsible In A Dog Bite Injury Case?

When you or a loved one have been the victim of a dog attack the owner of that dog is 100% responsible, every experienced Phoenix dog bite attorney knows this.

Dog bites are part of a branch of the law called premises liability law, which declares that property owners have a legal responsibility to maintain their property to the best of their ability to keep other parties from sustaining an injury or even wrongful death due to negligence on the part of the property owner.

This statute extends to the ownership of dogs and other pets. It is a pet owner’s obligation to make sure their animal keeps from attacking a person or another animal.

Dog bite laws vary from state to state although most have an absolute zero tolerance when it comes to dog bites. In the state of Arizona under statute 11-1025, dog owners are liable for all damages caused by injury due to a dog bite. The only exception within this ruling is if the dog bite was sustained by a law enforcement officer in the line of duty.

Most homeowners’ insurance policies carry coverage to protect them in the event of a dog bite. According to the Insurance Information Institute, there were 16,991 liability claims related to dog bites and other dog-related injuries made in 2020 costing homeowners $854 million.

An experienced phoenix dog bite lawyer, like those at Arizona Law Group, will work with insurance companies to make sure that you receive the largest dog bite settlement possible to take care of all expenses incurred due to your injury.

What Should You Do After a Dog Bite Incident?

If left untreated, a dog bite could result in significant medical complications. The resulting infection from a dog bite can spread rapidly in a victim’s body. As such, time is of the essence after a dog bite attack.

Searching Google for “dog bite lawyers near me” shouldn’t be among the first things you do!

Here is what a dog bite victim should do after the incident:

  • Get immediate medical attention: Dog bites can cause serious physical injuries, call an ambulance or go to the emergency medical care facility near you immediately after a dog bite incident, especially if there is visible blood and an open wound.
  • Remember to gather information: Following the incident, remember to get as much information as you possibly can – get the owner’s name and contact info.
  • Take pictures: Take pictures of the scene, the surroundings, and any visible injuries. This documentation can be critical in pursuing a  claim, including filing a lawsuit.
  • Report the incident to authorities: You should report the incident to local authorities so you have an official record of the date & time that it took place, what occurred, and the parties involved.
  • Contact an experienced dog bite lawyer in Phoenix: A dog bite lawyer can help you obtain the compensation you rightfully deserve. They can help you process the legal groundwork for a dog bite case, investigate the availability of insurance to cover injuries and file a lawsuit if out-of-court negotiation stalls.

Types Of Dog Bite Injuries

Arizona Dog Bite Lawyer Near You

Many dog bites are minor and only require basic medical attention to heal, there are however a number of them that are serious in nature and end up requiring significant treatment. In 2017 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery after sustaining a dog bite, a good deal of them children, as children are more likely to require serious medical attention after sustaining a dog bite.

Some of the most common types of injuries that can occur during a dog attack include:

  • Puncture wounds from the dog’s sharp canine teeth
  • Nerve damage caused by these puncture wounds
  • Infection caused by bacteria in the dog’s saliva getting into a person’s bloodstream
  • Lacerations from the teeth and claws of the dog
  • Broken bones caused by the powerful jaws of the dog
  • Rabies

When dealing with these types of injuries for yourself, a child, or another loved one, the last thing you want is to worry about the medical costs being incurred. A trusted dog bite injury attorney will work to get you a settlement that will help to cover these costs and give you peace of mind as you recover from this traumatizing experience.

What Types of Compensation Can a Dog Bite Attorney Help Recover?

Dog bite victims have the legal right to demand compensation from the dog’s owner. There are different types of compensation available for dog attack victims, but basically, its economic or non-economic damages.

Economic damages include:

  • Compensation for medical bills: Victims can receive compensation for any medical treatment & associated expenses caused by the dog bite injury. Victims can also recover compensation for costs that are necessary for the future medical treatment necessary because of the dog bite incident.
  • Compensation for lost wages: Dog bite victims can recover compensation for time at work that was missed because of the injury. In addition, any future lost wages can also be part of the damages claimed by dog bite victims. For example, say you’re a dentist and had your hand severely damaged by a dog bite, the permanent nature of the injury could certainly affect your future ability to earn income & continue the profession you love.

Non-economic damages include:

  • Emotional distress: Victims have the right to obtain compensation from the dog’s owner if they developed emotional or mental anguish from the dog bite incident.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life. Victims can demand compensation if they sustained a life-altering injury that hinders them from doing the usual things they did before the dog bite incident in question occurred.

Contact An Experienced Arizona Dog Bite Accident Lawyer Near You

No one wants to believe that man’s best friend could be capable of such damaging behavior, but unfortunately, dog bites are still all too common.

At Arizona Law Group, our experienced team of dog bite lawyers can help by gathering all of the necessary details involving the case and working with a homeowner’s insurance company to help our clients retrieve compensation to cover medical expenses, loss of income, and other extenuating costs that arise.

We will fight to get you the maximum dog bite payout that works for you and helps you carry on with your life.

As a top-rated dog bite lawyer in Phoenix, with multiple office locations throughout the Phoenix area of Arizona including Mesa, Chandler, and Scottsdale, we are here to help you. Contact us today at 602-548-3400.