Sun City Truck Accident Lawyer

Sun City Truck Accident Attorney

Trucks are everywhere on Arizona roads – and with six interstates alone, totaling 1,169 miles, Arizona has some of the most miles of interstate in the United States. Since freight drivers use these interstates daily to get their goods from point A to point B, this can create an accident-prone atmosphere.

If you’re facing the fact that you or a loved one are a victim of one of these negligent truck drivers, we can help you. At Arizona Law Group, we fight for our clients to get the most compensation possible for their truck accident cases.

Get in touch with the team that always strives for the maximum possible compensation in Sun City truck accident cases. Book your free no-obligation case review today by calling us at 602-548-3400.

Injuries That Could Occur After A Truck Accident

Trucks can range in weight from under 10,000 to over 26,001 lbs. Contrasted with the average sedan weighing around 4,000 lbs, this weight difference can cause serious injuries due to truck accidents.

A Sun City car accident lawyer can help regain compensation for truck accident injuries such as:

  • Brain Injuries
  • Spinal Injuries
  • Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Internal Bleeding
  • Whiplash
  • Broken or Fractured Bones
  • Cracked or Bruised Ribs
  • Burns
  • Crushed Limbs or Digits
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Who Is Liable For My Truck Accident Injuries?

This question largely depends on whether the operator drove the truck for personal or commercial reasons. If the truck was being driven for personal purposes, determining liability would fall between determining if you or the truck driver were more at fault for the accident.

However, if the truck accident involves any kind of parent company, then that can change who is ultimately held liable. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) mandates that companies that lease trucks ultimately be responsible for the truck’s maintenance.

That means if a lack of maintenance caused the truck accident, the parent company could be held liable instead of the driver.

Additionally, if the truck driver was operating the vehicle while on the clock can influence who is ultimately held liable.

Comparative Negligence In Arizona Truck Accident Cases

Additionally, a factor that can impact potential compensation in a Sun City truck accident case is the concept of comparative negligence. In Arizona, an individual can recover damages no matter what percentage of fault is attributed to them for the accident.

For example, if a truck driver is 80% at fault for a car accident with a sedan, the sedan driver’s damages will likely be reduced by 20% to account for the aspects of the accident that were their fault.

If you want to understand liability in your truck accident case, we recommend seeking counsel from a legal advisor like those at Arizona Law Group.

Why Arizona Law Group Is The Right Choice For Your Truck Accident Injury Case

At Arizona Law Group, we pride ourselves on being skilled advocates in our client’s times of need. With over two decades’ worth of experience winning cases like yours, we are confident that we can help you get the compensation you deserve.

If you’re interested in getting a review and consultation on your Arizona truck accident case, reach out to the Arizona Law Group today. We’ll meet with you, evaluate your case thoroughly, and let you know our best recommendation for your next steps. Give us a call at 602-548-3400.